Newsletter June 2017

The importance of Early Childhood Development

There have been many articles and much talk recently about the importance of early childhood development so we thought we would share some of this with you.

Global experts report that a child’s early years are critical to the rest of life. Proper nutrition and brain stimulation improve physical growth and learning ability, while the absence of proper care and feeding in the first 1,000 days (3 years) can lead to stunting, poor school performance and lower earnings as an adult.

Early childhood development is key to a productive current workforce as well as nations’ future success.

Better workers. Better communities. Better lives for our citizens.

A recent article in The Lancet, the renowned UK medical journal, revealed that a shocking 43 percent of children younger than five years of age living in low- and middle-income countries are at risk of suboptimal development because of poverty and stunting.

Research shows that the learning gap between advantaged and disadvantaged children can show up as early as nine months of age. A study showed that by age three, children of low-income families had half the vocabulary of more advantaged families.

And data shows early childhood programs can have a profound impact. An overview of 56 studies across 23 countries found impacts on health, education, cognitive ability, and emotional development.

Investing in the early years can transform, not, just the lives of children, but their communities, and ultimately their countries, making them healthier and more competitive in the global economy.

We, at the Khanyisela Project, realised the importance of Early Childhood Development many years ago and have been working to develop Early Childhood Development Centres (Pre-schools) in the rural Amazizi area in the Northern Drakensberg area of KwaZulu Natal. We now assist 14 pre-schools and over 500 pupils.

With the help of our many donors we will continue to strive to raise the standard of childhood development in our area.

WE ARE NOW ON FACEBOOK – Please like our page :
khanyisela project -northern drakensberg

Much love,

Daphne & Dave Thurlwell

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