The details of Hearts of Hope are:
Section 21 Company Registration: 2003/005003/08
Non-Profit Organisation Registration No.: 033-126-NPO
Public Benefit Organisation (PBO)
Section 18a Tax exemption status
How to Make Donations
Donations can be made to Hearts of Hope or contact Dave or Daphne or Tel: (+27) 36 438 6270} for a credit card authorisation form if you would like to support this wonderful community.
Account Name: Hearts of Hope
Account Number: 022972188
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Rivonia
Branch code: 001255
Please use the following reference: “Drakensberg”
If you require a tax certificate please indicate this and it will be forwarded to you from Hearts of Hope.
If you are donating from the UK please advise us, as you can donate through the Retford Rotary Club and receive a tax certificate.
SMS Learn to 40307 to donate R20 to Royal Drakensberg Primary School
Credit Card Donations
to donate to Khanyisela Projects